Your story.
Your voice.
Syllabic. Upset.
The Sunshine Cultural Arts Center
Growing East St. Louis through the Arts
Your story.
Your voice.
Syllabic. Upset.
Catalyst empowers youth to be agents for change in their daily lives, to promote youth-led civic action that leads to local, regional or policy-driven solutions, and to support revitalization efforts that increase awareness of and access to opportunities for our city’s richest resource - the members of this community.
The Catalyst model is delivered through rigorous, authentic voice-driven exercises that delve into the fundamentals of narrative, the history and impact of spoken word and its rich connection tom civic change through leaders and activists who have used this platform to speak up politically and socially. Lessons mastered within workshops are applied in frequent performance opportunities where youth may develop their stage presence, increase confidence and create opportunities to use their voices in nurturing, supportive environments.
Tuesdays at 6:00 p.m. every other week
Performances and Competitions
Varies based on availability alternate weeks.
For More Information, email